Robert M. Pruzek received a B.S. from Wisconsin State University (River Falls) and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin (Madison).
He currently has appointments at the State University of New York at Albany in Educational and Counseling Psychology, Division of Educational Psychology and Methodology, and the Department of Biometry and Statistics in the School of Public Health.
Dr. Pruzek’s interests include measurement, psychometric methods, research design, as well as propensity score analysis and graphics; he has also had long standing interests in multivariate analysis and regression. He has taught at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, the University of Pittsburgh, Free University of West Berlin and the University of Wisconsin. He has been active in the American Educational Research Association, the Psychometric Society, and most recently in the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology. Some of his recent work has concerned development of modern approaches to regression and prediction, especially methods that employ comprehensive forms of data smoothing; other work has entailed Bayesian methods. Special interests in recent years concern graphical methods, computer-intensive methods, including the bootstrap, and better ways to facilitate causal inferences from observational data, especially propensity score methods. He has consulted for several years with the New York State Health Department, Division of Nutrition, evaluating effects of WIC programs, especially effects of mothers’ nutrition on birth outcomes. His publications have appeared in the Psychological Bulletin, Cortex, The Journal of the American Educational Research Association, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, and Multivariate Behavioral Research.
Recently Pruzek served as Guest Editor for Multivariate Behavioral Research (Issue # 3, 2011); for details concerning that issue, see: rPruzek.Editorial.SpecialIssue.MBR.PSA11.pdf